Baby swimwear

Choice of baby swimwear

What baby swimwear you choose depends mostly on the age of your little one’s and whether or not they are toilet trained. There are now many companies catering to the baby swimwear market and lots of factors to keep in mind. So whether you are at the beach for the day or the aquatic centre for an hour, here are some of the options you have to choose from.

Swim nappies

Swim nappies are often used as a type of baby swimwear on their own and can mean that kids can get in the pool much sooner. Mandatory for entry into public pools, they are also great for preventing embarrassing little ‘accidents’ from turning up in your own pool or at the beach. They can be worn on their own or under a swimming costume. They don’t swell up in the water like regular nappies, have elastic side’s guards to contain unwanted surprises and are easy to remove and dispose using the tear away sides. Huggies have developed the Little Swimmers Swimpants range especially for the Thorpedos and Hacketts of the future. They even come in fun and colourful Disney pant designs so you will want to show them off.

Read more about the benefits and features of swim nappies.

Swimming costumes

Boardies for baby boys are in fashion right now, but Speedos are also a popular option. Keeping little legs covered up can mean less stressing about sunscreen but also more wet fabric to deal with. However, apart from the amount of skin protected from the sun, what you choose is more of a fashion statement than anything else.

When it comes to swim suits for baby girls, there are a lot more options. For toddler girls you can start with just bikini bottoms and so save on the expense of more elaborate outfits that they will grow out of before you can say ‘freestyle’. Of course, with children becoming more fashion conscious by the minute, you might not get away with that one for very long. Pretty soon, they are likely to be demanding the latest 1 or 2 piece they’ve seen their friends in!


These are good for protecting vulnerable little shoulders and arms from UV radiation. A wet rash vest will help keep your baby cool when out of the water in summer. They are also good for when the water is a little bit on the chilly side. Look for the UV Protection Factor (UPF) and consider long or short-sleeved options depending on your child’s skin type.


For cold-water protection at the beach or outdoors and for swimming lessons during winter, wetsuits are ideal and now available for babies and children under 6 months old! As well as keeping out the chill of cold water, wetsuits also provide excellent sun protection – you don’t get much UV through several millimetres of neoprene. Be careful of using wetsuits in warmer weather unless you like your children on the “well done” side.

Features to look for in your baby swimwear

When you are choosing baby swimwear here are some basic features to look for:

  • Quality – there are sometimes vast differences between brands, and price is not always a good indication of quality. Check seams to see how robust they are and if they are comfortable on sensitive baby skin.
  • Durability – chlorine, saltwater and sun are a damaging combination for any clothing. Some fabrics like nylon and lycra are more resistant than others. Ask your shop assistant about the pros and cons of each fabric.
  • UV protection – UV Protection Factor (UPF) is a rating system that tells you how much solar radiation is blocked by clothing, hats and sunscreen. Numbers range between 15 and 50+ and the higher the number the better the protection. Look for this number on item labels.
15/09/21 - min Read

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