10 ways to remember to do your pelvic floor exercises

Having a newborn to care for will take up most of your time, so much that you’ll wonder whatever you used to do with those 24 hours in a day. And although caring for one small person will absorb most of your waking hours, it’s also important that you find some time to care well for yourself.

If you started doing pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy, then continue doing them after your baby is born. Your pelvic floor is precious and needs looking after!

Pelvic floor exercises – not just another thing to remember

Get into the habit of linking certain activities with doing your pelvic floor exercises. After a couple of weeks, you’ll find you automatically connect common behaviours with pulling up those muscles at the same time.
Just like eating a nutritious diet and staying out of the sun, building your pelvic floor tone will become a part of your healthy lifestyle.

10 perfect times in a day to do a round of pelvic floor exercises

Use these times as a reminder that it’s time to do your pelvic floor lifts:

  1. When you’re changing your baby’s nappy.
  2. When you’re having a shower.
  3. After you’ve finished on the toilet.
  4. When you brush and floss your teeth.
  5. Every time you have something to eat or drink.
  6. Whenever you cuddle and kiss your baby.
  7. When you put on a load of washing and then hang it out, or load it in the dryer.
  8. When you make or take a phone call.
  9. Each time you open the fridge door.
  10. Whenever you think of it.

Won’t someone turn off that alarm!

If you’re struggling to remember, set an alarm for three times a day to remind you. There are also a range of pelvic floor exercise apps which can serve as a great reminder for busy mums. Many apps have additional information on bladder and bowel health as well as pregnancy tips.

Other ways to try:

  • Writing yourself reminders on your calendar, bathroom mirror or phone.
  • Using sticky notes and placing them around the house where it’s impossible for you to miss them.
  • Asking your partner or a close friend to remind you.
  • Making a deal with yourself that you’ll commit to doing regular pelvic floor exercises. 
  •  Having regular appointments with a physiotherapist who specialises in pelvic floor health. 

You can also set a target to increase the number and frequency of times you do your pelvic floor exercises. Remember, gentle and steady improvements are more realistic than expecting big changes quickly.

Written for Poise by Jane Barry, midwife and child health nurse, 03/06/2021

Whilst you are training your pelvic floor POISE can help keep you comfortable and dry and protected from leaks.
Get a free sample 

Jane Barry Jane Barry
Written By Jane Barry
26/05/22 - min Read

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