Baby Shower Poems

A baby shower is sometimes described as a celebration of a life cycle event. When a couple are having their first child, it is a time of transition; even for subsequent children, the baby shower is a time to celebrate the arrival of a new life, so there's many emotional expressions that people wish to convey.

Poetry can be a good way of putting your feelings and thoughts into words, particularly if you are struggling to write a message that is meaningful.

Below you'll find a collection of verses that you can use for baby shower invitations, baby shower cards and baby shower thank you notes.

Baby Shower Poems for invitations

It's raining, it's pouring
Your presence, we're imploring
For games and cakes and girlfriend-Power
At [Name]'s Baby Shower!

Nibbles, savoury and sweet,
Games to play and cakes to eat
With [Name s] new babe arriving soon
We'll gather for an afternoon

To shower her with gifts and blessings
Our love and support we'll be expressing
We hope you'll come to say hello
Details below, so let us know!

Ten tiny fingers, ten tiny toes,
Baby boy or baby girl? Nobody knows
We d better hurry, baby soon will be here
Come to [Name s] Baby Shower, and help spread the cheer

[Name] has a new baby on the way
We d love your help on this special day
A baby shower will be held for her soon
With gifts, games and cakes for the afternoon

Baby Shower Poems for cards and gifts for the new parents

Twinkle twinkle little toes,
Perfect lips and perfect nose,
Whatever date and time it may be,
Can t wait to meet your brand new baby!

Pregnant belly, big weight gain
Swollen ankles, labour pain
Then the miracle of birth
Welcomes new life to this earth

Tiny fingers, tiny toes
Years of joy as baby grows
You'll make a memory every day
To send your child along his way

Congratulations, lovely mum
It's great to see your growing tum!
Your baby will be such a treat,
And make your little family complete

Welcome to your little one
We know that you'll all have such fun
May baby's birth be safe and sound
And bring great joy to all around

Cradle rocking, not much sleep
You'll want to lie down in a heap
Feeding baby, wide awake
How much more can one mum take!

And then a magic baby smile
Makes every moment so worthwhile
Your heart will burst with joy and soar
You'll be a parent for ever more

Maybe a girl, or maybe a boy?
Here's something to welcome your bundle of joy,
With lots of love for both of you
And blessings for your baby too.

Baby Shower Poems for Thank You notes

Thanks from parents and from baby
Your kind thoughts and gifts just may be
The icing on our shower cake ..
A memory for nights we're all wide awake!

Thank you for your thoughtful gift
We cannot wait to use it
We appreciate your kindness
And the time you took to choose it

I m too small to understand
How welcome you have made me
But thankyou for your thoughtfulness
From mum and dad and Baby!

There's not much room left in this tummy
It won t be long till I arrive!
And when I m there, I know my mummy
Won t sleep much until I thrive

Thanks for coming to my baby shower
Your thoughts and gifts were very kind
A lesson for me at an early hour
Is that friends like you are hard to find

16/09/21 - min Read

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