If you are not breastfeeding your period usually returns 4-8 weeks after the birth.
If you are fully breastfeeding, that is no supplementary feeds, it is likely you will not get your period until you have started to reduce the number of feeds your baby is having. This is not a rule and some women find their period returns quickly.
Although you may not have had a period, it is still possible to ovulate and fall pregnant before you start menstruating again, so you should consider your contraception method if you are not ready for another baby.
It is not uncommon for a woman’s menstrual cycle to change after childbirth. Many women report heavier bleeding, while others say there period is lighter and doesn’t last as long. Your cycle may be irregular at first, as ovulation may be erratic. It really is an individual response.
If you are concerned about the amount of blood you pass while menstruating, seek advice from your doctor.
Last Published* May, 2024
*Please note that the published date may not be the same as the date that the content was created and that information above may have changed since.